Thursday, September 3, 2020

Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication Free Online Research Papers The achievement of individual and expert connections relies upon the adequacy of intercultural correspondence. Working with clients and accomplices from various societies can be testing and requires a lot of expertise. Intercultural ability limits the potential dangers when associated with worldwide undertakings. The powerlessness to convey between societies can bring about shame, disarray, and offense. Intercultural Communication happens between people with various social foundations. Social contrasts are reflected in different manners. Verbal language, non-verbal communication, signals, and expressions can take a few implications between numerous societies. Exploration finishes up outward appearances showing feelings are all inclusive yet administers on the utilization of the articulations vary. (Kazdin) Intercultural strife for the most part results from miscommunication or misconception, which is the reason intercultural relational abilities are significant. This paper will endeavor portray a situation where intercultural correspondence creates struggle or turmoil and offer systems to maintain a strategic distance from future clashes. Portrayal of the Communication Issue John, a New Orleans local, is moved after Hurricane Katrina. He is new to the city of Houston, Texas, and Patricia is the primary individual he meets. In spite of John’s solid emphasize weird utilization of words, she thought he was a decent person. Patricia needed to request that he rehash things more that once and saw that he alluded to the walkway as a feast (boycott ket), and he needed to realize what the cheeseburger at McDonald’s was dressed with. Patricia had additionally heard a lot about New Orleans’ culture and was keen on finding out additional. John asked Patricia where she remained. She didn’t see, so he rethought the inquiry posing to where she lived. The two traded numbers and Patricia vowed to show him around the city the next day. John inquired as to whether it is wrong to call her that night. Patricia allowed John to do so on the grounds that she was really intrigued by John’s discussion. John offers Patricia a call and when she responses, he says â€Å"Good night.† She is confounded, however reacts, â€Å"I trust you have a decent night, moreover. I surmise I will converse with you tomorrow.† Patricia then hangs up the telephone. John is baffled now, since he was calling to proceed with the past discussion the two were occupied with. John at that point ponders whether he called past the point of no return or if Patricia was keen on conversing with him, and he was uncertain whether he should call Patricia once more. Patricia asks why John just called to state great night, however she thought it was a decent signal. Conclusion John, having experienced childhood in New Orleans, utilizes the expression, â€Å"Good night,† as a welcome. John was unconscious that by saying this to somebody in Houston, the individual would expect he was bidding farewell. Patricia knew about the term being utilized as a discussion finishing and didn’t comprehend John’s aims. Patricia didn't know about truisms and terms utilized in New Orleans, on John didn’t realize that such saying took on very surprising implications when utilized somewhere else. Correspondence is communicated through a person’s social foundation, in this manner, varies among people. Through correspondence, ethnic, social, and expert characters are reflected. A person’s personality is more that how an individual is name, however how the individual demonstrations and responds within the sight of like and not at all like people. Ineffectually imparting in intercultural circumstances can be harming to relationship building. Societies have various originations and thoughts of what is proper. Non-verbal communication and individual space should likewise be thought of. Language is the most significant component in intercultural correspondence and the utilization of language decides the adequacy. Capability is a significant factor when correspondence happens between two individuals of various social foundations. Trust, mindfulness, regard, and genuineness are expected to build up the essential aptitudes to convey diversely. Skill isn't something that can be adapted effectively, ability is a procedure that requires practice and tolerance. Regardless of whether a possible client or companion, correspondence assumes a job in the destiny of the relationship. â€Å"Constructive and dangerous intercultural refereeing relies upon numerous components. One of the key elements is the capacity to apply adaptable relational abilities in overseeing both culture-based and individual-based contrasts. Useful intercultural refereeing is characterized as the utilization of culture-delicate relational abilities to deal with the procedure of contention profitably and arrive at significant objectives of all gatherings agreeably. On the other hand, ruinous clash implies the gatherings are taking part in rigid reasoning and unyielding clash designs that lock them into delayed patterns of protectiveness and shared disappointment prompting acceleration or absolute impasse.†(Ting-Toomey, 1999) Resolution of contention necessitates that gatherings are careful is the commitment of an alternate methodology. Gatherings should likewise share a shared objective and be happy to try different things with peace promotion abilities. Improvement Strategies Maintaining a strategic distance from expansive and cliché explanations is a significant procedure in staying away from intercultural correspondence struggle. One ought to never expect that the idea and activities of all individuals from a social gathering will be the equivalent. Utilization of racial or social generalizations can affront individuals from that race or culture. Ethnic cleverness is likewise unsuitable on the grounds that this can be seen as bias or segregation. One should likewise know that adages, expressions, and articulations vary in societies, regardless of whether the person in question is curious about with the various implications. People ought to listen mindfully, still if difference emerges, and focus on motions, tones, developments, and different types of correspondence. In an assorted, multicultural society, residents should be delicate and learned about semantic and social differences.(Kottak Kozaitis, 2003) By expanding mindfulness about various ethnic or phonetic foundations, the possibility of culpable or causing somebody to feel separated abatements. Albeit most Americans communicate in English, the language isn't constantly addressed a similar degree so cautious thought must be taken when speaking with others of various social foundations. Powerful correspondence is the key component in building fruitful individual or expert connections. Building up the aptitude expected to speak with individuals from various social foundations can be a troublesome undertaking. Figuring out how to discuss viably with individuals from various societies can assist one with avoiding strife, disarray, and shame. References Recovered April 5, 2009, from diverse Reference book of brain science, Vol. 2. Kazdin, Alan E. (Ed); pp. 357-359. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association; New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. 502 pp. Gumbo Pages (n.d.). A vocabulary of New Orleans wording and discourse. Recovered April 5, 2009, from Harvey, M., Griffith, D. (2002). Creating compelling intercultural connections: The significance of correspondence procedures. Thunderbird International Business Review, 44(4), 455-476. doi: 10.1002/tic.10029. Kottak, C.P., Kozaitis, K.A. (2003). On Being Different: Diversity and Muticulturalism in the North American Mainstream (second ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. The Daily Resource for Entrepreneurs (2009). Inc.. Recovered April 3, 2009, from book/intercultural-communication.html The Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (). Utilizing culturally diverse correspondence to improve connections. Recovered April 5, 2009, from Chime Toomey, S. (1998). Conveying across societies. New York: Guilford Press. Examination Papers on Intercultural CommunicationAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThree Concepts of PsychodynamicIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalCapital PunishmentNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Help Me With My Research Paper

Help Me With My Research PaperHelping your child with his or her research paper is part of the task of parenting. There are many great resources for helping kids work on their homework and prepare for college.A research paper should not be hard to write and it should not be hard to read. A simple guide will help your child get started. As soon as you sit down to write the first draft, take some time to read and listen to the research that is already available for your child. You can use the textbook and reading list found in many colleges to help your child prepare.Students work to study, not just read. Write notes about what they have learned so that when they are done, they will know what questions they need to ask. Help your child come up with questions of their own.The Internet is a great source for finding tips, ideas, and examples about how others have approached their assignment. Most sites allow you to make a copy of your paper or quiz that others can answer. All it takes is a few minutes each day to browse through the answers posted by other students. You might be surprised at what others have discovered to help them with their own research papers.Encourage your child to read and think about the topic of the research paper. You want to help your child understand the writing style and the content before they start working on it. The best way to do this is to talk with your child about what he or she reads or hears about the topic.Homework can be hard. Your child should be given help in many ways. For example, you can help him or her brainstorm for answers to the research paper by asking them to draw from their imaginations. If your child has questions about his or her project, discuss the problems with him or her and help them work through them.Try to schedule some free time for yourself or your child so that you can continue your study. Many children find that spending some time away from the computer helps them relax and prevent burn-out. Homework is part of the process of learning, so it is important to develop good habits.As your child works on his or her research paper, keep in mind that the time you spend studying and preparing is as important as the time spent on the paper itself. Make a commitment to your child and his or her studies. If your child wants to be home before bedtime, help him or her to read or work through homework on their own time.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dehydration Effect On Human Tissue :: essays research papers

The human body comprises of gigantic measures of various tissues and oranges, all doing various things. It’s unavoidable that these tissues need a lot of vitality to keep up wellbeing and to remain beneficial. At the point when the body experiences a starvation, it responds to the absence of food by a wide range of starvation embrace strategies. At the point when the body goes into an absence of water, there is next to no it can do yet stop the creation of pee and sweat.      The human body comprises a mass of 80% water give or take five percent. Water is in numerous types of nature. There are three types of water as the types of water, ice and warmed fume noticeable all around. Water otherwise called H2 O goes about as a significant segment in plasma, liver capacity, and the guide of the lymphatic arrangement of the human body.      When the body doesn't eat, numerous things go into influence to assist you with remaining alive during a starvation. They are: your hormones; glucose diminishes to make you tired while saving vitality and your digestion procedure diminishes to make your hold fat from the food you do eat. It will take around three weeks to pass on from starvation when not expending food. The normal individual ought to expend around 1800 calories per day.      When the human body goes with out water the entire framework will begin to shutdown. Without water the liver will quit sifting blood and cause kidney’s to fall flat. Likewise cell exercises will stop on the grounds that the water goes about as a change stage for supplements going all through the cell. After the water is gone, cells can not get by for all the more then three days.      The cell during an absence of water goes in to a condition of â€Å"suspended animation† which is the point at which all phone forms delayed down. The mitochondria delayed down and decrease the creation of vitality shaping materials. In plant cells the chloroplast quits reacting to light and the vitality of the cell at that point eases back down and goes predominant. Lack of hydration Effect On Human Tissue :: expositions investigate papers The human body comprises of gigantic measures of various tissues and oranges, all doing various things. It’s inescapable that these tissues need a lot of vitality to keep up wellbeing and to remain gainful. At the point when the body experiences a starvation, it responds to the absence of food by a wide range of starvation support strategies. At the point when the body goes into an absence of water, there is next to no it can do however stop the creation of pee and sweat.      The human body comprises a mass of 80% water give or take five percent. Water is in numerous types of nature. There are three types of water as the types of water, ice and warmed fume noticeable all around. Water otherwise called H2 O goes about as a significant segment in plasma, liver capacity, and the guide of the lymphatic arrangement of the human body.      When the body doesn't eat, numerous things go into influence to assist you with remaining alive during a starvation. They are: your hormones; glucose diminishes to make you tired while monitoring vitality and your digestion procedure diminishes to make your hold fat from the food you do eat. It will take around three weeks to kick the bucket from starvation when not expending food. The normal individual ought to devour around 1800 calories every day.      When the human body goes with out water the entire framework will begin to shutdown. Without water the liver will quit separating blood and cause kidney’s to come up short. Likewise cell exercises will stop in light of the fact that the water goes about as a change stage for supplements going all through the cell. After the water is gone, cells can not get by for all the more then three days.      The cell during an absence of water goes in to a condition of â€Å"suspended animation† which is the point at which all phone forms delayed down. The mitochondria delayed down and decrease the creation of vitality framing materials. In plant cells the chloroplast quits reacting to light and the vitality of the cell at that point eases back down and goes prevailing.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Child Development Research Paper - 275 Words

The Role of Parenting in Childhood Development (Research Paper Sample) Content: Childhood DevelopmentNameInstitutionThe Role of Parenting in Childhood DevelopmentAll children go through a serious of developmental stages (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, middle childhood, young teens, teenagers and adolescents) from infants to adults. The development of such aspects as physical, emotional and social occurs during the developmental stages (McCartney Phillips, 2004). The role of parenting takes the first place in childhood development because parents are those people who should provide support and encouragement. Moreover, they should remain the best teachers throughout life. The primary role of parents is to expose a child to appropriate challenges in order to develop necessary abilities and skills.Lots of parents believe that parenting should go naturally and that parent education programs are unnecessary. These parents often claim that their parents didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t resort to any parent education and brought up smart children. However, in fact, p arenting is a very complicated process that requires a prior preparation. In other words, successful parenting, perhaps is the most challenging and rewarding task on the planet. Some parents are not able to develop their children into successful adults due to the lack of knowledge or experience. Therefore, all parents should know all aspects of child development in order to better understand all complexities and challenges of parenting and be able to handle with them. In this case, parenting classes or workshops are useful since they can help to receive valuable advices on child development and effective parenting techniques.A few people would start a complicated task without some training or education. For example, similar to parenting, building a house is considered to be a complex task. It requires substantial knowledge. Thus, to start building a house without the necessary knowledge is not a wise idea, as well as to start raising children without learning the essentials of paren ting. Acquiring the necessary knowledge about child development and parenting styles and techniques will increase the chances of successful parenting. According to statistics, the majority of Americans have a low-level knowledge of typical developmental stages. Parents who know the basics of normal child development and understand the fundamental elements of parenting can choose appropriate behavior-modification techniques for particular age groups and apply them in practice. These parents do not make such gross mistakes as the majority of those who have not been educated on parenting because they understood the essential role of parenting in childhood development. For example, experienced parents know that blaming a child for misbehavior cannot help to stop it.PreschoolersA child between 2-5 years is called preschooler (Neaum, 2010). The child involves from an awkward toddler into a curious explorer during preschool years. This developmental stage is also called the Wander Years. E ach child gains new experience at own pace. Some children go ahead in their development, and others may lag behind. Learning what is typical for children of a certain age can help parents to raise their kids successfully and early reveal deviations. Being a parent of a preschooler is both exhausting and exhilarating. All parents feel mixed emotions. Learning effective parenting techniques is an important part of improving parenting skills. The Wander Years is the time when children learn how to control emotions, mind and body and how to engage with the world. Therefore, parents should take into account emotional, cognitive, physical and social aspects of child development in order to lay a fertile foundation for the entire childhood.Parenting StylesAlthough each parent has own parenting techniques, psychologists have distinguished three major parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive (McCartney Phillips, 2004). Most experts claim that authoritative parenting wo rks best both for children and parents. Collaboration is the basis of this parenting style. Parents negotiate problems with their children and try to find a solution together. In other words, they encourage two-way communication. Authoritative parents raise self-confident children who able to respect others and demonstrate a high level of self-control. Furthermore, kids raised by authoritative parents are less rebellious and more goal-oriented than those raised in other parenting styles. An essential element of the authoritarian style is an immediate obedience. Authoritarian parents have a strict code of conduct. They enforce their rules through yelling and spanking. Children have no opportunity to speak their mind. As a result, kids obey because of fear. These children possess a range of self-esteem-related problems. Permissive style does not stipulate a lot of rules. Parents allow their children almost all they want. These children become aggressive, impulsive and self-indul gent.Parenting TechniquesKids between 2-5 years only start acquiring their habits. It depends on the parents whether their children become naughty or turn into organized and self-disciplined individuals. Responsible parents resort to a variety of parenting techniques. For example, parents who adopt an everyday schedule with regular bedtime and meals to their preschoolers know that this will... Child Development Research Paper - 275 Words Child Development (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Professor: Course:Date:The Role of Parents, Peers and Community in Childhood and Adolescent DevelopmentDevelopment of an individual from infancy, childhood, all through adolescence to adulthood is influenced by various factors. Some of these factors influence the individuals behavior and shape his or her character. Parents and siblings nurture the child in the primary socialization category. School and the teachers are also involved at this stage. In the adolescence period, the individuals undergo secondary socialization. This is when new people start influencing his or her behaviors. Adolescents join peer groups and also pay more attention to the social media, hence acquiring new behaviors. Other factors such as emotional developments also influence the way individuals grow and develop. This paper seeks to analyze the role of parents and peers in childhood and adolescent development (Bukatko and Daehler 476-506). It also seeks to unveil their influences and comp are their contribution.Parents influence almost all the aspects of development in a child. Firstly, the parenting styles used to bring up a child influence its development. Decent parenting skills ensure wellbeing of a child and its social mobility. Parents have a crucial role especially in the educational activities they offer to the children at the early stages of development. Parents ought to have a good home learning atmosphere so as to aid in childhood developments. Another vital role is the need for parents to have good relationships among themselves. This should also be extended toward their children so as to nurture them in a good manner. Parents should also be fully involved in what the children do in the household. Parent involvement is very crucial as the childs cognitive ability thrives. Parents also have a role in ensuring that the child is in good health. Here, obesity is mainly watched out and tackled at an early stage if it appears. The major factor that parents shou ld observe is setting up a good example towards the children. Parents have a duty to strive and be good role models to their young ones. If a parent is a good role model, the child tries to emulate the goodness, hence healthy moral development. Peers also have a role in supporting children in childhood development (Campbell 230). Another demanding task for the parents in childhood development is interaction. Interaction ensures that a trusted relationship is established, therefore, perfect development. Parents should also have good emotional identification. This helps the child realize the world and the things in it, the ones that are good and those that are bad and harmful. Family stories should also be narrated to children by both peers and parents. Positive stories help raise a childs esteem.Peers also influence childhood development. A child is defined by the United Nations as any individual below the age of eight years. As every child develops, he or she tends to make friends a nd form social groups. Here, younger children tend to imitate the behaviors of the older ones, hence their childhood development process is altered (Ladd 49). Peers aid the children in teaching them new vocabularies and socializing them into the larger society.Another stage in the development of an individual is during adolescent period. At this period, adolescents require a new way of handling them and the parents also aid in the development. Parents have a duty of establishing a supportive relationship with family member and other friends. This gives the adolescents a sense of having a supportive family, hence they will have a positive transition and development. Parents also have a duty to monitor the adolescents and ensure that they disclose what is in their minds. Monitoring ensures that the parents keep track of the adolescent as disclosure aids in realizing daily activities and notice any deviation. Parents are also tasked with respecting the sense of autonomy in their adoles cent children as well as ensuring that their information is well kept. Parents have a duty to realize the beginning of adolescence and expect change of behaviors. Conflicts are a common scenario during this stage and parents should know how to tackle them in most cases.Peers also play a significant role in shaping an individuals personality. At adolescence, peer groups are easily formed and shape the adolescents to face different life happenings. Peers and peer groups help adolescents in getting along with other people. This enables children to develop the necessary social skills and also realizing the dos and the donts. Peers also allow individuals to embrace moral values especially with parental guidance. Peers now have a chance to learn the required socio-cultural roles. They set their ambitions and life goals at this stage and a good peer group supported by parents works well to shape the adolescents. Peers facilitate better achievement of personal independence in various forms such as emotional support, social support, physical support and intellectual support (Levesque 75-101). The peers also set a good ground for experimentation with different identities and varying experiences. Here, peers develop sense and also maintain and practice many cognitive and communicative roles.In the past, an assertion emerged that friends played a bigger part in the development of an individual than the parents. I tend to support this stand mainly because children interact with their peers more than they do with their parents. This is a classic example of peers influence during adolescence where adolescents detach themselves from their parents. If an individual meets a peer group that is morally insane and joins it, the parents would do little to stop the individual. This does not wholly suggest that parents do not offer to their children, it means that friends and peers influence the development of individuals more than parents.The community is also a major contributor to the development of a child. The adjacent community determines the development of an individual. A child who is born and grows up in a harsh environment can grow to be a deviant. For instance, a community that has many deviants such as villains, drug dealers and addicts poses a poor environment for rising up children. Families and the communities influence the development of children and affect their development to full potential. The type of available food and nutrition in the society influences the growth and development of individuals.A technologically advanced society also determines the kind of education offered to the children. Technology b...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Lottery By Shirley Jackson - 887 Words

When I first started reading â€Å"The Lottery† a short story by Shirley Jackson, I thought it was about when the lottery, as we know it today, first originated. After reading the entire short story I couldn’t have been more wrong. It reminds me of the popular book series and movie franchise called The Hunger Games. Even though, I am taken aback by the ending I am not completely surprised, because of the era this story took place in. Had this lottery taken place in today’s modern society in the United States, it would be completely outrageous and horrifying. As soon as I started reading the short story I knew that it took place over a century ago as Jackson presented the community as being a small farming village of 300 people. Winning the lottery is supposed to be a great, thing met with excitement and celebration, which is why in the beginning of this story I felt like it was about today’s lottery. The writer wrote about the town’s people ga thering together with the children laughing and playing, the men telling jokes, and the women gossiping. These are not the actions of people during a somber event. When the young boys of the village were gathering smooth round stones I thought they were going to be used to go skip stones at the local swimming hole when the lottery concluded, again I couldn’t have been more wrong. The people in the story did not seem horrified or scared about what was about to happen, so neither did I. Mrs. Hutchinson laughed with Mrs. DelacroixShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson1195 Words   |  5 PagesOn the surface, Shirley Jackson’s short story, â€Å"The Lottery,† reads as a work of horror. There is a village that holds an annual lottery where the winner is stoned to death so the village and its people could prosper. Some underlying themes include: the idea that faith and tradition are often followed blindly, and those who veer away from tradition are met w ith punishment, as well as the idea of a herd mentality and bystander apathy. What the author manages to do successfully is that she actuallyRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson757 Words   |  4 Pagessucceed but many fail just like the main character Tessie Hutchinson in Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†. When someone hears the word â€Å"lottery†, he or she may think that someone will be rewarded with prize. But â€Å"The Lottery† By Shirley Jackson is different than what one thinks. In the story, a lottery is going to be conducted not like Mega Million or Powerball one play here. In the story, the person who wins the lottery is stoned to death instead of being rewarded with the prize. TessieRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson931 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1948 Shirley Jackson composed the controversial short story â€Å"The Lottery.† Generally speaking, a title such as â€Å"The Lottery† is usually affiliated with a n optimistic outlook. However, Jackson’s approach is quite unorthodox and will surely leave readers contemplating the intent of her content. The story exposes a crude, senseless lottery system in which random villagers are murdered amongst their peers. Essentially, the lottery system counteracts as a form of population control, but negatives easilyRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson1504 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson In The Lottery Shirley Jackson fills her story with many literary elements to mask the evil. The story demonstrates how it is in human nature to blindly follow traditions. Even though some people have no idea why they follow these traditions. The title of the story plays a role in how Shirley Jackson used some literary elements to help mask the evils and develop the story. The title â€Å"The Lottery† serves as an allegory. When people think of the lottery majorityRead More`` The Lottery `` By Shirley Jackson894 Words   |  4 Pagesshort story â€Å"The Lottery†, author Shirley Jackson demonstrates Zimbardo’s concepts in three different areas: Authority figures, Tradition and Superstition, and Loyalty. The first concept Jackson portrays in â€Å"The Lottery† is the authority figures. Jackson indicates that the lottery is being held in the town center by one authority figure, Mr. Summers, annually on June 27th. Every June 27th, without fail, townspeople gather in the town square to participate in the annually lottery even though mostRead MoreThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson1510 Words   |  7 PagesShirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† illustrates several aspects of the darker side of human nature. The townspeople in Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† unquestioningly adhere to a tradition which seems to have lost its relevance in their lives. The ritual that is the lottery shows how easily and willingly people will give up their free will and suspend their consciences to conform to tradition and people in authority. The same mindless complacency and obedience shown by the villagers in Jackson’s story are seenRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson8 11 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† was published by Shirley Jackson. The story was true expression of Jackson’s genuine thoughts about human beings and their heinous competence in an annual village event for corn harvest . First, her used to word symbolized main point of the story. Second, Jackson was inspired by few historical events happened in the past and a life incident in her life. Lastly, She was able to accomplish the connection between historical and biographical with the story. Therefore, Shirley Jackson’sRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson934 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson signifies the physical connection between the villagers and their unwillingness to give up their tradition. â€Å"The Lottery† is very unpredictable and quite misleading. The black box has no functionality, except every June 27th. Shirley Jackson depicts the black box as an important and traditional tool. Although the villagers in â€Å"The Lottery† are terrified of the goal of the lottery and the black box, they are unwilling to let go of the tradition. Shirley Jackson portraysRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson799 Words   |  4 Pagesthe mood and to foreshadow of things to come. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a story in which the setting sets up the reader to think of positive outcomes. However, this description of the setting foreshadows exactly the opposite of what is to come. In addition, the theme that we learn of at the end leads us to think of where the sanity of some human beings lies. The story begins with the establishment of the setting. To begin, Shirley Jackson tells the reader what time of day and what time ofRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson1764 Words   |  7 Pagesfilled with excitement and eeriness, leaving the reader speechless. The Lottery , a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, 1948, when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic thriller, set in an unknown time and place, shares the tradition of a small town, a little larger than three hundred people, in which a drawing is held once a year. In this â€Å"Lottery,† each family’s husband draws a slip of paper from a black box. The husband

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study Starbucks And Second Cup - 3253 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility Audit Report on Starbucks and Second Cup SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: Daljeet Grewal Wendy Thompson Harmesh Kaushal Navneet Kaur Rajinder Kaur Contents Introduction 2 Issues of coffee industry 2 CSR Priorities and Policies of Starbucks: 2 Objective Analysis of Starbucks 2 Recommendations for Starbucks 2 CSR priorities and policies of Second Cup 2 Objective analysis of Second Cup: 2 Recommendations for Second Cup: 2 Personal statements 2 Introduction We have chosen two companies of†¦show more content†¦Health and energy drinks are becoming competitors of coffee industry. Poverty, child labour, low wages, long working hours, no employments benefits and illiteracy caused by coffee industries in coffee growing communities due to increased demand of coffee farmer’s children are involved to do work hard with their parents to earn more and also remain illiterate. 2. Environmental issues:- Due to increasing demand of coffee, farmers use agrochemicals on coffee plantation to increase productivity of coffee that will impact the quality of coffee as well as cause health problems and pollute environment. High production of coffee causes deforestation because coffee growing countries require too much land to grow coffee more to fulfill the demand of coffee. Plastic cups used for serving tea and coffee will increase wastage while they use recycling. Bad agricultural methods and techniques lead to soil erosion. Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) cause risk for other plant species and consumer health problems. 3. Economic issues: - Coffee pickers don’t receive minimum wage rate for example in Guatemala, the minimum wage of coffee pickers are $3 per hour. Even middle man pays less than the market price to them. It impacts the income of farmers and cause unemployment, poverty, child labour and illiteracy in that particular coffee growing country. It affects GDP and per capita income of country. Industries operations get effected by

Music Business Management Essay free essay sample

Management Sometimes thought of as the single most Important person In career of artiste. A good manager can expand an artistes career to Its maximum potential a bad one can rocket an artist to oblivion. What they generally do is most of the things the artist either cant be bothered to do or doesnt know how to do they do these things usually in exchange for a percentage of the artists earnings, this is called commission. A few of the roles of the typical manager include Helping with career decisions which record deal? Which publishing deal? How much etc.?Helping with he creative process selecting a producer, deciding which songs to perform/record, selecting photographers or band members etc. Promotion by hyping to everyone helping co-ordinate publicity campaign, etc. Assembling and heading professional team introducing lawyers, business managers and agents, etc. overseeing their work. Coordinating tours by working with agents to make the best deals. Hounding the record company of the artiste coordinating record company advertising and marketing campaign for artistes records making sure these are treated as priorities by the record company, cringles and parallels. Generally being a buffer between the artiste and the outside world. Managers typically get between 15% and 20% of artists gross earnings with the majority earning 15%. However, during touring this means more than you might think. If the artist is a band with five or more members, the managers 15% could easily be more than any members share. First issue is the managers percentage. Most try to keep it to 1 5%, although some managers might argue that the risk of taking on a new act Is worth 20%. It Is possible to arrange the deal so that It starts at 20% then changes to 15% after a certain time or when a certain amount has been earned. Sometimes managers earn a percentage of net as opposed to gross, which is better for the artiste. Net deals sometimes mean the manager will ask for limits on expenses. So for example a manager might agree to be paid on net tour proceeds, but that the expenses on the tour cant exceed a percentage of the gross. With absolutely huge superstars, the manager might Just be on a salary with no percentages. This salary can run Into six figures! It Is sometimes possible to exclude or reduce certain earnings. For example, the manager might get 15% of touring money but less of the artistes song writing royalties, maybe even none of it.If a manager is excluded from certain monies you cant expect him/her to work in this area. Some monies are customarily deducted before working out the managers cut non-commissionaire. It is a good idea to spell these out in the contract to make sure. Recording costs money paid by the record company for recording should not have a cut In for the manager. They are not really earnings, they just pass through the artistes hands to the studio. Money paid to the producer Same as above. Tour support this is money paid by record company to offset losses from touring.Commissioning tour support is controversial and some managers think t should be commissionaire, but most will agree that it is loss compensation and therefore UN-commissionaire. Costs of collection. If an artiste has to sue someone to get paid, the cost of suing should be deducted before making the managers cut. Pay a support act, this is not commissionaire as it merely passes through the artistes hands. The average term of management is generally three to five years. An artist Ants this to be a short as possible, the manager wants it to be as long as possible.Most common compromise is to say that if the artist doesnt earn a certain amount, e or she can terminate the agreement early. Or it can be set up as a shorter deal Inch carries on if certain earning target are reached. Even after the term has ended, say after five years, the contract might say that the manager continues to earn some commission after the term has finished if theyre generated under contracts entered into or substantially negotiated during the term. This means; 1 . As to records made during the term, the manager gets a commission from sales after the management deal has ended. 2.The manager is paid on records made after the term of the deal if he records are recorded under a recording contract signed during the term. This means the manager could be getting paid long after the term has finished, however there are ways to prevent this, known as clauses. There are a few measures to cut back on after term commissions these are. .. 1. Records The manager gets paid only on records recorded and released during the term and not on any others. This is best for the artiste. (b) Half commission after the term. 2. Publishing The manager is paid only on songs recorded and released during the term.This is best for the artiste. (b) The manager gets half commission on songs recorded after he term. Agents Agents usually operate somewhere between the artist (or the artists manager) and the promoter. Agents take on a number of artists and try to sell their live act to promoters, in return for a commission from the artiste on the earnings from the live Nor acquired. When promoters are looking for acts to use for promoting live events it is agents who they will turn to for the high earning potential acts. The responsibilities of the manager include most of those of an agent, I. E. Eating work for the artist, however the agents responsibilities are much narrower. Upon the appointment of an agent personal live appearance becomes his or her responsibility. Managers will a substantial amount of time with the artist, working with the act and the music, etc. , whereas the agent will deal with live work enquiries. The power of an agent largely concerns the roster of clients, all of which may have different managers. One person acting as both agent and manager will not have time to take advantage of all the opportunities which can be generated through the broader contacts of a separate and independent manager. The agent is always employed by the artist, although he may be chosen and appointed by the manager. An artiste has an agent to take advantage of specialized knowledge and contracts. Employment is obtained by him for the artiste, in return for a commission (10-15% of gross), being a percentage of gross earnings of the artist arising from all personal appearances of the artist during the agents exclusive contract period, and within the agents exclusive territory, whether or not generated by the agents efforts. The agents main responsibilities are to seek out and negotiate contracts for personal appearances Ninth promoters.No contract should be committed to without the artists approval. Artist at that time. Market values may change, such as where booking and its fee are confirmed for a date some way in the future, and in the meanwhile a record by the artiste gets into the charts. An experienced agent who has studied the development of the artiste, and who is fully informed of hid record release schedule, can Judge his future to take advantage of potential increases in market value. The scope of an agents authority to act on his own initiative depends on the agreement.An agent cannot commit the artiste to fulfill any engagement unless he has the authority to do so. The artiste may get an adverse reputation with promoters, unless the agent is able to act with some authority to negotiate contracts with the minimum of delay. Ere artiste should be fully consulted, and should see and sign each performance contract prior to being committed. The more successful the artiste, the more impractical it may become due to the lack availability while touring, recording or holidaying. The artiste may delegate the signing of appearance contracts to his agent, subject to prior approval by the artists manager. There are generally 3 things Inch are needed in order for something to be regarded as a gig or concert or night; an ARTIST, a VENUE, and a DATE. Along with these essential ingredients there are a host of others which will vary in importance from event to event. These are: PA or sound equipment, lights, tickets, fliers and posters, etc. Ere idea of promoting a band and style of music that the promoter enjoys has always been one of those leading philosophical, ethical and moral questions often discussed in music circles.It is seen partly as a duality with little compromise, or at times, it has been seen as an extravagant loss-leader for the promoter. If profit is the main motive the promoter should be led by market forces and punter needs rather than personal asset and choice. Personal choice is a temptation you must overcome if making enough money to continue promoting is your aim. The institution of personally based band promotion decisions have resulted in the demise of many concert promoters and promotion companies, especially in an economic climate where the promoter has to be very careful about the economic viability of each attempted promotion.When selecting a band in each different musical genre, the same rules apply. A great deal of thought and research should go into the final decision of whether to promote a band or not. The decision has to be based on several key factors. Has the band been around long enough to have built up an audience large enough to sustain a tour of the length planned? Is the band at present a new club favorite? Has the band attained a cult status? Or make value Judgments, the promoter must first find out as much information as possible. This will come from the agent, record shops, other promoters and the music press.The type of information needed by you, as a promoter, includes the number of dates planned for the tour. If only 5 dates are planned, or there is only one, and the band is reasonably popular, it may not matter to much about a reduced local fan ease. This is because if only a few dates are planned, an audience will travel to see the band in question. Linked with this is the amount of publicity are receiving at the present time. You need to establish whether the current publicity will be sufficient in the run up to the concert to ensure a capacity audience.If the band have already built up a large following, you should ascertain whether or not too many dates on the may include some areas on close proximity to the venue in which your promotion is taking place. This may mitigate against their audience coming to your promotion. If his is the case then further negotiations with the agent may be necessary to ensure; that your concert is the only one in the area that there are not too many dates on the tour. Record Contracts If it is impossible to negotiate on these matters then another band or venue are alternatives.Although they do vary and have got more and more complicated in recent years, record contracts have a basic character. Essentially the record company agrees to advance an artiste an amount of money, and some royalty payments on the sale of the artistes records once the advanced sum has been recouped from the artistes earnings. It is a bit like a tax free loan which must be paid back if the artiste is successful. In return the artiste has to produce a number of acceptably high quality recordings during the period of time the contract runs for.The contract could run for as long as 5 or 7 years, but will contain an option clause meaning that the record company has the choice of whether to keep the artiste on or not every year or so. Every time the record company keeps the artiste on it has to pay another advance. Most contracts are structured so that advances and percentage royalty points increase with each new contract period. This implies that the record company must achieve a degree of success to make it commercially viable to retain an artiste and pay out further royalties.In principle this is to safeguard against a company which might sign and retain an artiste on an exclusive contact without investing in them. Ere company is placed in a position where it is financially committed to an act, so it can either work to establish that artiste and generate a return on investment, or it save money and free the artiste from the contract to go elsewhere. The days of excessively exploitative contracts are by no means over, but they have now become less widespread as the music industry has consciously attempted to cultivate a more professional image.It has become standard practice for contracts to stipulate that the artiste must have received professional legal advice before signing. Most of the m ost exploitative contracts are offered by small, inexperienced, or Just incompetent companies involved in signing poorly advised acts. Artistes are now accredited with being more commercially minded and aware of what the contractual relationship Ninth a record company entails. Artistes are also surrounded by business advisors, lawyers, accountants, who may engage in some quite sophisticated signing strategies.Recording contracts appear to be the most desirable ambition of most musicians. They are extremely difficult to get, and arguably, at best only of limited benefit to the artiste. One of the first things which must be sorted out before a recording contract is agreed is whether or not the artiste has had any contracts in the past which still have an effect on his/her career. The artist must warrant that there are no such restrictions. The record company should try to find out if the artiste recorded music under an old contract which was never released. When negotiating contracts artists should make sure there are no skeletons in the cupboard from old contracts, particularly with respect to unreleased material recorded during that contract. The new record company will need to know about any other contracts and company needs to know whether there were undelivered recordings under a previous contract because; The old record company might release material from that contract if an artiste begins to be well known under the new one.This could cause some damage with respect to the reputation of the artiste by the marketing of an old album which was not released at the time because it was not good enough; royalties on the old album may be less than the new contract and the artiste can do nothing about it if the contract was not adequately terminated. ; the release of the old album may coincide with the release of a new one which may prejudice the marketing and promotion of the new one even though the old record company will benefit greatly from the advertising done for the new record; The old record might be a completely different style to the new one.All recording contracts are exclusive. The concern of an artist with a record company in which he does not have complete confidence is that it may not release his recordings or promote his records to his reasonable satisfaction. In this case the artiste does not have the right to find another company to do the Job, unless things are so bad that the lack of company effort amounts to a breach. The wording of contracts makes it so that the record company has all rights to all recordings of the artist during the period of contract for the purpose of making an selling records.This means even recordings which the company do not release. Exclusivity clauses are drawn as widely as possible, but must take into account other activities of the artiste, for example an acting career, or a theatre stage show career in which a stage show album may be recorded by a company other than the main company in this case there would be arrangements made for an override royalty for lending the artiste for the recording. Royalties are calculated as a percentage of the retail price of the record after making certain deductions. Some record companies have based their rates on wholesale price.Those calculated on wholesale tend to be one and a half and double those done on retail price. Retail price is recommended as being more reliable and impartial than publisher sealer price (wholesale). It is also very difficult to work out royalties from actual selling prices as they vary too much. The usual deductions from the retail price are taxes (VAT and sales tax) and the costs of the packaging of the product. The deductions should not include payments to third parties, such as copyright royalty payments which may be deducted from the gross fee before being divided between artiste and company.